




Far from the hustle and bustle of the city and the fast lifestyle, vineyards, peace and nature await you. Experience a relaxing holiday. Choose the one that suits you best among the abundance of experiences that the surroundings offer you.

You can also find the current range of destinations on the following websites:



Ideas and links to websites

The Krka River - swimming pools
Žužemberk – Loka swimming pool; Straža- dam; Novo mesto – Loka; Mačkovec, Otočec, Kostanjevica near the bridge.
Boating on the Krka River, Novo mesto
Sproščeno čolnarjenje s sup-om ali čolnom po mirnem delu Krke ob Novem mestu. Izposoja sup-ov in čolnov: Mestna plaža, Topliška cesta 2c, Novo mesto, T: +386 (0) 7 39 39 263 ali TIC Novo mesto, Glavni trg 11, Novo mesto (T:+386 (0)7 39 39 263,
Rafting on the Krka River, Novo mesto
Riding Rudolf's raft along the bend of the Krka river, which surrounds the old town, is a unique experience. The meeting point is at Zupančičevo promenade 2. The ride takes 1.5 hours and a reservation is required at TIC Novo mesto (T:+386 (0)7 39 39 263, E:
E-bike rental, Novo mesto
Bicycles can be rented at TIC Novo mesto, Glavni trg 11, Novo mesto (T:+386 (0)7 39 39 263, E:
Najem e- koles, Šmarješke Toplice
Električna kolesa, za krajši ali daljši najem. Apartmaji Ajdnik T:+386 41 779 578. 

Gorjanci in Trdinov vrh so priljubljena pohodniška točka. Prek Gorjancev vodijo Trdinova pot, Pot kurirjev in vezistov, evropska pot E7, Zlatorogova transverzala ponosa in Krkine planinske poti. V enem od planinskih domov (Gospodična, Miklavž) se lahko tudi okrepčate z domačimi dobrotami.
Hiking trails
Nežno razgibana in raznolika novomeška pokrajina je ljuba pohodnikom. Odličen teren za nordijsko hojo. Po pokrajini je razvejeno omrežje označenih peš- (različne zahtevnosti) in kolesarskih poti.
Waterfalls on the Krka River, Žužemberk
Zelo lepi slapovi, obširni in razgibani se nahajajo pod žužemberškim gradom. V neposredni bližini je tudi naravno kopališče.
St. Peter Dvor, Topla reber
Pohodna pot do 888 m n. v., na vrhu sta razgledni stolp in planinska koča. Štart poti je pri gostilni Rojc na Laščah, ki slovi po odličnem odojku in jagenjčku.
Klevevž in klevevška toplica s sotesko Radulje, Grič pri Klevevžu
Obiskovalcem ponuja sprostitev v izjemnem naravnem okolju. Naravne danosti okolja, hipotermalni izvir, ujet v bazenček, s celoletno temperaturo med 21-25 °C ter ostanki grajskega parka in gradu vas napolnijo z energijo.
Zagraški Log Park – Herbal center of SE Slovenia, Zagrad
Below the village of Zagrad, the locals of the former village farm have arranged the overgrown village pasture into a park of native trees, shrubs and rocks. In 2019, the Herbal center of SE Slovenia was organized and started operating in the area of Zagraški log.
Kostanjevica Cave, Kostanjevica na Krka
Kostanjeviška jama leži ob vznožju Gorjancev. Urejenih je tristo metrov poti za turistični ogled najatraktivnejših delov jame. Voden ogled s strokovno razlago traja štirideset minut.
Green adventure agency
Green adventure offers you three experiences: Green river - with a kayak along the green Krka, Temenica and Kolpa, Into the wild - movement in nature, getting to know plants and bird species, watching animals; spend an unforgettable day in the heart of the forests of Kočevsko, get to know the primeval forest, go to observe the king of the forests - the brown bear, Fly and fishing paradise - all-day fishing.
Reka Kolpa, Bela krajina
Evropska destinacija odličnosti 2010. Kolpa je najtoplejša reka v Sloveniji in odlična izbira za osvežitev v poletnih dneh.
Source of Krupa, Semič
The most beautiful and largest spring in the Bela Krajina. The karst educational trail from Lebica to Krupa runs here (2 hours).
Divji potok, Črmošnjice – Semič
Divji potok has a picturesque riverbed full of waterfalls, pools and rapids. The stream flows most of its course through the forest. After about 3.5 km of torrential flow, it flows into Črmošnjičica, which flows towards Dolenjski Toplice.
Planinski dom Mirna gora, Semič
On the road from Dolenjski Toplice to Črnomlelj. A well-marked path, many educational boards. There is a mountain lodge and a lookout tower at the top.
Landscape park Lahinja, Veliki Nerajec, Dragatus
Visit the info center in a 200-year-old farmhouse with a small ethnological exhibition. The park is suitable for visiting small groups and families with children. Advance notice required (T:+386 (0)40 842 717, E:
Info center Black human fish, Jelševnik, Črnomelj
Manjši, a poučen center o belokranjskem endemitu in njegovem habitatu v plitvem kraškem ravniku. Potrebna predhodna najava. (T:+386 (0)31 632 636, E:


Ideas and links to websites

Escape room Novo mesto, Novo mesto
60 minutes of action, 60 minutes of unforgettable fun for old and young, friends, families, relatives, partners, for everyone who wants to spend the day differently, especially adventurously.
Trška gora - open vineyard cottages
Zidanice odpirajo duri vinskih hramov, kjer lahko okušate dobrote marljivih trškogorskih vinogradnikov. Zidanice so odprte vsako soboto in nedeljo od 9:00 do 19:00 (najmanj dve od enajstih). Katera od 11 zidanic je odprta, bo razvidno na vstopnih obcestnih panojih na vznožju Trške gore. Informacije na: T: +386 (40) 650 051
Matjaževa homestead, Paha, Otočec
The 150-year-old Matjaž homestead welcomes you in national costume and shows life in the Dolenjska countryside then and now. Followed by watching the video The story of wine cvicek and tasting the ingredients of cvicek along with homemade cold cuts. If you have time, you can assemble and bottle your own "Cviček to go" with a special label in a vineyard cottage 2 km away from 1848.
Terme Krka – Terme Šmarješke and Dolenjske Toplice
Ponujajo kakovostno sprostitev sredi narave, ob izbrani prehrani in sproščanjem med termalnimi vrelci ali v vrhunskem wellness centru, kopanje v bazenih, savne, masaže …
Prečna Airport – Novo mesto Aeroclub, Novo mesto
Flying with a motor plane is an extraordinary experience, as they take you over Novo Mesto, which has the most beautiful aerial view in Slovenia, over Krka, Otočec Castle, over vineyards, and, if desired, also over Triglav or the Slovenian coast.
Apitherapy Stankovič, Novo mesto
Obiskovalcem predstavijo svojo strast do čebelarstva in jih popeljejo na ogled čebelnjaka, v katerem nudijo apiterapijo z blagodejnim aerosolom, postrežejo vam lahko medeni zajtrk ali vas razvajajo z medeno masažo.
Skiing - paragliding, Semič
Smuk is a 547 m high plateau above Semič. There is also an airfield for paragliders and hang gliders on Smuk, and the hunting lodge kindly opens its doors to visitors.
Adrenaline park – Camp Bela krajina – Podzemelj, Gradac
Park Podzemelj je primeren za otroke, stare najmanj 4 leta, hkrati pa predstavlja izziv in zabavo tudi za odrasle, ki želijo preizkusiti svoj pogum. Doživi zgodbo o Beli krajini na poseben način, in preizkusi edinstvene in zabavne vaje.
Tourist Agency KNM Travel, Novo mesto
Agencija ponuja po meri oblikovanja dolenjska doživetja za posameznike, pare, družine, manjše in večje skupine. Od dogodivščin na Krki do tematskih vodenj po Novem mestu in Dolenjski. Za goste z izbranim okusom pa pripravijo posebne KNMexclusive programe – Dolenjska exclusive.
Tourist agency Bravina, Metlika
An agency that will introduce you to interesting people, unusual events and a casual way of life in the Bela krajina. If crawling through forests, running after sheep, paddling rivers and getting your throat wet in masonry sounds like good fun, you've come to the right place.
Open Door of Bela krajina
V času poletne sezone se odpro vrata vinskih kleti, čebelarstev, kmetij, domačij, galerij in muzejev ter pripravijo edinstvena doživetja. 


Ideas and links to websites

The old town center of Novo Mesto: Glavni trg, frančiškanska cerkev in samostan
Ogled nekdaj najlepšega trga na Kranjskem bo zagotovo posebno doživetje, saj je pred leti dobil popolnoma novo podobo. Prostoren trg in hiše z arkadnimi hodniki, mestna hiša, Kettejev vodnjak, frančiškanska cerkev, samostan in knjižnica, Kandijski most … Vodeni ogledi: TIC Novo mesto
Dolenjski museum and Jakčev dom, Novo mesto
V Jakčevem domu so na voljo tri razstave: poleg stalne še Božidar Jakac in likovno-pedagoška. V Dolenjskem muzeju so na voljo štiri stalne in občasne razstave. Najbolj zanimiva je zagotovo arheološka, po kateri  muzej sodiv sam svetovni vrh, predvsem z najdbami iz časa cvetočega Halštata (steklene jagode, situle …).

Cathedral Church of St. Nikolaj, Novo mesto
The Gothic Church of St. Nicholas is the city's most remarkable monument and one of its central symbols, and it also shapes the silhouette of Novo Mesto. In the crypt, there is a cast of the tombstone of the priest of Novo Mesto, the first Viennese bishop and founder of the Vienna Boys, Jurij Slatkonja.
Struga Castle, Gumberk - Otočec
Grad Struga predstavlja značilno grajsko arhitekturo 16. stoletja. Zaradi izpostavljene lege ob reki Krki sodi med ambientalno pomembne spomenike na Dolenjskem. 

Museum of Lojze Slak and Tone Pavček - Mirna Pec
Na razstavi je s pisnim in slikovnim gradivom, predmeti, z glasbo in s filmi predstavljeno življenje in delo mirnopeškega rojaka Lojzeta Slaka. Na sprehodu skozi njegovo življenje od rojstva do smrti začutimo vpliv dolenjske pokrajine, ljudi in ljudske glasbe na njegov glasbeni ustvarjalni opus. Posebnost razstave je rekonstrukcija odra. Ansambel Lojzeta Slaka je običajno nastopal na odru, na razstavi pa boste to možnost imeli obiskovalci. Na odru je na voljo harmonika, na katero boste lahko zaigrali svojo najljubšo Slakovo skladbo. Po želji boste lahko svoj nastop posneli z glasbeno in video spremljavo Ansambla Lojzeta Slaka. »Harmonika šov« nudi muzikantom z diatonicno harmoniko doživetje, kot ga na razstavah v Sloveniji še ni bilo.
"House of Living Heritage", White Church - Šmarješke Toplice
The house offers an insight into the life of local residents through different perspectives and historical periods and presents the rich cultural heritage of the Šmarješke Toplice municipality area in an innovative way. From the kitchen of rural women and girls, the smell of home-made bread invites you to taste the delicacies of the valley. You can also try your hand at preparation and baking with their help.
The land of haymakers, Šentrupert
Muzej na prostem z 19 kozolci, predstavlja večstoletni razvoj ter izkazuje izjemen čut za uporabo naravnih gradiv in mojstrstvo tesarske tradicije.
Gallery Božidar Jakac, Kostanjevica na Krka
The gallery is located in the renovated premises of the former Cistercian monastery and is one of the largest Slovenian galleries in terms of the surface area of the exhibition spaces and the fund it houses.
Šokčev dvor, Žuniči, Bela krajina
Šokčev dvor Žuniči is a cultural monument of national importance, a unique example of preserved building heritage in Bela Krajina. In 2007, it became an information center.
Museum collection Črnomelj, Črnomelj
The museum's permanent exhibition focuses on the history of the city and its immediate surroundings, as well as its people.
Primožič House – House of Belokranja Craftsmen, Črnomelj
The house has been declared a cultural monument of local importance and is used for occasional exhibitions and workshops of domestic and artistic crafts of Belokraj craftsmen. However, domestic products and handicrafts are constantly on sale.
Belokrajna Museum, Metlika
The Belokranja Museum is housed in the Metli Castle and is a must-see for anyone who wants to get to know this special region, its history and culture.
Slovenian Fire Museum, Metlika
The first fire station in Slovenia was established in Metlika in 1869. On the occasion of the centenary, a museum was opened, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the Metli Castle and the Belokranje Museum.
Kambič Gallery, Metlika
Memorial collection of academician prof. dr. Vinko Kambič and opera singer Vilma Bukovec Kambič. The collection of national importance consists of cultural and historical objects (glass paintings, furniture, clocks, lamps, handicrafts) and works of art by various Slovenian artists.


Ideas and links to websites

Guesthouse on the square, House of Culinary and Tourism, Main square 30, Novo mesto
Bistro Marof, Ketteje tree row 2, Novo mesto
Guesthouse Loka, Župančičevo promenade 2, Novo mesto
Inn Vovko, Ratež 48, Brusnice
Inn Mrak, Sela pri Ratež 18, Brusnice
Restaurant Grad Otočec, Grajska cesta 2, Otočec
Fink & Situla, Dilančeva 1, Novo mesto center
House of Fink, Irča vas 13, Novo mesto
Inn Pugelj, Ždinja vas 6, Novo mesto
Herbelier butchery, Sokolski trg 2, Dolenjske Toplice
Butchery Rudolfswerth, Kandija cesta 35, Novo mesto 
Inn at the airport, Prečna 46, Novo mesto
Inn Don Bobi, Kandija cesta 14, Novo mesto
Inn and pizzeria Šentpeter, Šentpeter 10A, Otočec
Novak home, Sadinja vas 7, Dvor

Home of the Friar, Dolnji Ajdovec 20, Dvor
Guesthouse Koren, Dolga vas 5, Žužemberk
Inn near the castle, Grajski trg 10, Žužemberk
Guesthouse near Dedi, Šmarjeta 70, Šmarješke Toplice
Rakar Inn, Gorenje Ponikve 8, Trebnje
Inn Javornik, Rakovnik 6, Šentrupert
Guest house Marinčič, Škocjan 37, Škocjan
Guesthouse Deteljica, Dobruška vas 36, Škocjan
Hotel Smuk, Štefanov trg 1, Semič
Inn Pezdirc, Metliška cesta 11, Semič
Ecological tourist farm Mlinar, Rožni dol 7, Semič
Inn Müller, Ločka cesta 6, Črnomelj
Guest house Kapušin, Krasinec 55, Gradac
Hotel Bela krajina, Fraternity and Unity Road 28, Metlika
Gostišče Veselič - Belokranjska house, Podzemelj 17, Gradac


Ideas and links to websites

Colnar Winery, Črešnjice 124, Otočec
The Colnar family is an old family, and the love for the beautiful Dolenj hills, and in general for the landscape and land, has been passed down from generation to generation over the centuries. They produce high-quality wines with recognizable flavors for selected customers who appreciate the true taste and composition of wines.
Matjaž's homestead, Paha, Otočec
Tour of the old homestead, wine tasting with a snack. Advance notice required. 
Wine fountain "Izvir cvička", Šmarjeta, Šmarješke Toplice. Na “izviru” so na voljo najboljša vina z okoliških vinorodnih goric, obiskovalci pa se boste poleg cvička srečali s tremi glavnimi sestavinami tega dolenjskega posebneža – modro frankinjo, žametno črnino/kraljevino in dolenjskim belim.
Wine shop Otilija, Novomeška cesta 12 A, Šentjernej
Vinoteka ponuja vina štirih največjih vinarjev šentjernejske doline. V vinoteki nudijo tudi kulinarične dobrote. Ob predhodni najavi nudijo vse, od narezkov do svečanih kosil.
Winery Nampel – Malnarič, Vavpča vas 40, Semič
The Malnarič - Nampel tourist farm welcomes you with a wide range of Belokraj wines and fruits.
Semič sparkling wine, Metliška cesta 12, Semič
Simonič sparkling wines are produced exclusively according to the classic method, with a second fermentation in the bottle. 
Pečarič wine house, Čurile 7, Metlika
You will get to know red, white and predicate wines along with Bela Carnaj cake, and a homemade snack is also possible. By agreement, they also accept 2 people. From July to September, they are always involved in the White Landscape Open Doors project.
Boutique winery Šturm, Metliški Castle, Trg svobode 4, Metlika
Na posestvu Šturm ponujamo široko paleto različnih vin – belih, rdečih in rose, mladostnih in zrelih, suhih in sladkih, mirnih in penečih. Na metliškem gradu v vinoteki so možne degustacije vsak dan tudi za 1 osebo. V kleti pa po dogovoru pripravijo tudi degustacijo ob hrani.
Šuklje wine cellar, Trnovec 24, Metlika
The terroir selection is drinkable, elegant and complex wines, the wines from the Classic line are fruity, fresh, drinkable wines. Advance notice required.
Wine cellar Prus, Krmačina 6, Metlika
Four generations under one roof symbolize the family's viticultural tradition, which is constantly looking for ways and procedures to improve what has been achieved. Advance notice required.
Metlika winery, Fraternity and Unity Road 68, Metlika
Kdor želi pobliže spoznati Belo krajino in njene ljudi, se bo veliko naučil iz kozarca njenega vina. Ob sprehodu med lesenimi sodi boste spoznali čudovito zgodbo o vinu. Sodelujejo v projektu Odprtih vrat Bele krajine.
Wine tower Otočec, Otočec Castle, Grajska cesta 2, Otočec
A wine shop with a range of domestic and foreign wines.


Ideas and links to websites

Novo mesto Market, Florjanov trg 1, Novo mesto
Novomeška tržnica deluje v centru Novega mesta med Glavnim trgom in stolno cerkvijo. Odprta je vsak ponedeljek in petek dopoldne, ob sobotah pa na Glavnem trgu od 9.00 do 13.00.
Pleško farm, Prapreška pot 11, Otočec
Na kmetiji boste našli domače sezonske pridelke: sadje, sokove …
The delicacies of Dolenjska, Gubčeva cesta 1A, Trebnje, Glavni trg 2, Novo mesto
Dobrote Dolenjske is a collective brand that unites and connects the best local suppliers.
The House of Bela Krajina delicacies, Mestni trg 7, Metlika
The offer is collected and presented in one place: wine, fruit, horticultural, beekeeping, oil, herbal, dairy and other products.
Boutique market, Main square 30, Novo mesto
In the Boutique Market, products and produce from the Grm Novo mesto school estate are available to customers: dairy products, juices, wines, fruits and vegetables, fresh eggs and much more. At the entrance to the boutique market, there is also a "milk machine" with daily fresh milk.
(T:+836 (0)59 076 159, E:

Photo source: - Authors: Miran Kambic, Jošt Gantar, Andrej Tarfila, Tomo Jeseničnik, Zvone Butala, ZTR Temeniške and Mirnska doline, Jaka Ceglar - Association of Historical Cities of Slovenia